turks_caicos_family_reunionA famous author once wrote: "I love family reunions. Maybe next year we could pass out samurai swords". That's because he never participate in a Turks & Caicos Family Reunion! 14 adults, 2 kids, 6 toddlers, one infant, 7 Stars, 1 boat trip, hundreds of family pictures and an unforgettable trip to the islands. When Connie and Brian contacted me to photograph their family portraits and a fun day on the water, I was thrilled about it. But I admit it, I was also a little nervous: getting the attention of 8 kids, the oldest a 7 years old girl, is quite a challenge. Several hours with them got me to the conclusion that I could follow this family all around the world every time the get together - what a great group!


Sun-kissed, fashion-inspired, story-telling Turks and Caicos Photography.

Weddings, Portraits, Editorial.

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