Kiana and Dedrick: an elegant Wedding at Beach House Turks and Caicos. The graceful gown, the european-cut suit, the Jimmy Choos, the bow tie, the diamond and peal accents, the delicate flowers and, above all, the newlyweds: this special event it's all about style and class. In one of the coldest  and windy Turks and Caicos day of the year (yes, sometimes the temperature goes below 75!), this stunning duo promised to live together  happily ever after.

When I first met the couple, Dedrick described their relationship in a quick sentence: "We went on our first date, a year after we bought our house,  a year after we had a baby... and the rest is history".

beach_house_weddingThere are several reasons why the Turks and Caicos are a top wedding destination: the islands are stunning, the events are fabulous and the pros in the field put their passion, talent, heart and soul into the special day of their guests. The Beach House Turks and Caicos, Nila Destinations and Flowers by EA did it again: the wedding of Jenny and John was amazing! Beauty, love, laughters, romance and tradition, blended like a perfect cocktail, sealing the promise of an "happily ever after" life. This is Jenny and John's Beach House Wedding.


Sun-kissed, fashion-inspired, story-telling Turks and Caicos Photography.

Weddings, Portraits, Editorial.

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