From Kahlen imaginary diary: “Hi, my name is Kahlen and I’m 5 years old. The first and second time Ileana took my pictures I was still in my mommy’s belly. When I was very, very small we met again and I remember her smiling every time my big glue eyes looked at her camera. Life plans change unexpectedly so we had to leave the Turks and Caicos Islands and head home to the UK. Luckily vacation’s time exists and, 4 years after our departure, we crossed the ocean to see our friends in Provo and have fun! Ileana spent an afternoon with us: we took a lot of pictures, played games, eat fresh croissants, got all wet and laugh, laugh, laugh. Maybe if my brother Cohen and I are very, very good, mom and dad will take us to the island again…”.

 Convince young kids that it’s fun to smile for the camera is hard… but if they can play, take it easy, simply be kids in their own terms, beautiful expressions are guaranteed.

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Sun-kissed, fashion-inspired, story-telling Turks and Caicos Photography.

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