This post is different from the others: it does not speak about a wedding nor a family, it does not feature my work, nor the Turks & Caicos Islands. It shares a message of compassion and love, but also violence and heartbreak.

Beautiful Together, by the amazing portrait photographer Tamara Lackey and her husband Steve, work to improve the life of children. The project to fee and shelter Aleppo Orphans touched my heart and want to share it with you.

Photo courtesy of Syrian Orphans Org

Beautiful Together  - “For more than five years, the world has watched the conflicts in Syria escalate into more violence, more heartbreak – and now more orphaned children in need of care than ever before.

The children that have been able to flee Aleppo are leaving the biggest city in Syria – and endless bombing, drastic food shortages, an increasing lack of medical aid and the heartbreaking destruction of their home and communities. Most horrific of all, they have lost their family; they have lost their parents. Thousands and thousands of children are now suddenly orphans. And, if they are “lucky”, they are now refugees, too.

And there is no question that these children are as truly innocent as this brutal assault is unjust.”

How can we help? Wear your heart on your sleeve. Buy a t-shirt. Buy your entire family a t-shirt.   Choose a message that fits what you would like to share, like our exceptionally comfortable “Be The Good” long-sleeved baseball tee.

I chose to gift the t-shirt “Love Always Win” to my best friends… everyone loves it and I’ll place my second order as soon as I finish this post.

Taking a selfie after a day on the beach and before a shower it’s not the best idea I ever had, but it’s the t-shirt that counts!

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Sun-kissed, fashion-inspired, story-telling Turks and Caicos Photography.

Weddings, Portraits, Editorial.

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