Up to 10 years ago, the Turks and Caicos Islands were known by only a few people in world... but the beauty of the white sandy beaches, the amazing turquoise water and the laid-back atmosphere couldn't be kept secret much longer. Fernando, Katie and Clarice left the busy city of Brasilia to enjoy a family vacation at the Regent Grand. It was a real pleasure to "stop the time" and document another chapter of the family's life. Star of the show: Clarice - 2 years old and the cutest little personality.

First came love, then marriage, then... life! Tiersa and Kaz announced with a few beautiful pictures the exciting news: a baby girl, or boy, will soon join the family. I LOVE photographing this couple: Tiersa always look fabulous, she has amazing ideas and she is always excited about the shoot; Kaz smiles and makes her happy... that's all I need. I'm a wedding and portrait photographer, a storyteller, a rebel, a dreamer - thank YOU for inspiring my world every singe day.

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, night longer, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. In Italian, giving birth is called "Dare alla Luce" (giving to the light) - I love this expression as it's symbolize the miracle of life. Trina and Denzel welcomed to the world baby Dreya only a month ago... she is tiny, delicate, pure, adorable. Even while I'm looking at her pictures I feel like whispering, afraid to disturb her peaceful sleep...  

Last night I was having dinner with a few friends and one of them pointed out that I'm truly lucky as the kids I photograph are always smiling... really?!? I invited her to a join me on the next session for a reality check - it's certainly fun, exciting, surprising to take pictures of children but not always easy. Sam and Chris are the parents of 4 adorable kids and they certainly have their hands full: 2, 4, 6 an 8 years old with unique personalities and a lot of energy. We aimed for a traditional family shot (and actually succeeded a couple of times), but running and screaming on the beach was so much more fun!

No dark sky , rainstorm or furious wind could stop the Baker family's fun. They love life, to discover the world and its wonders, to cultivate fresh vegetables and herbs, to enjoy a good bottle of wine and live, love and laugh. As Abraham Lincold siad: "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years". I'm quote-inspired today :-)

From Kahlen imaginary diary: "Hi, my name is Kahlen and I'm 5 years old. The first and second time Ileana took my pictures I was still in my mommy's belly. When I was very, very small we met again and I remember her smiling every time my big glue eyes looked at her camera. Life plans change unexpectedly so we had to leave the Turks and Caicos Islands and head home to the UK. Luckily vacation's time exists and, 4 years after our departure, we crossed the ocean to see our friends in Provo and have fun! Ileana spent an afternoon with us: we took a lot of pictures, played games, eat fresh croissants, got all wet and laugh, laugh, laugh. Maybe if my brother Cohen and I are very, very good, mom and dad will take us to the island again...".

One of the things I LOVE about being a wedding photographer is getting involved in the lives of my brides and grooms!  Not much makes me happier than when I get a call from a past couple to ask me if I would photograph another unforgettable moment in their life.  I met Hanh and Kevin when they first came to the Turks & Caicos Islands looking for the perfect location for their wedding... first it was the engagement shoot (2009), then the wedding (2010 - gorgeous!!!), followed by Tanner (2011) and now little Holden (2013). I truly feel part of the family !

I loved Dee's first excited email: "We live in Chicago and knowing the beauty of these islands first hand (my family is from the Turks and Caicos), I am looking to use this opportunity to take some  pictures to freeze these memories in time.  My excitement: I just got our airline tickets last night, so the reality of the trip is setting in for me and the kids (Dimi 17 and Sammy 12). I found you via facebook last night with help from my god daughter and took the time to like Attimi Photography and look through your galleries which I absolutely love... Truly we are interested in and open to any background that screams Provo!'.


Sun-kissed, fashion-inspired, story-telling Turks and Caicos Photography.

Weddings, Portraits, Editorial.

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